איבונלדו בלוסו דה מלו

1943 Born in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil
1956 Moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil
1960 Returned to Caruaru, Brazil
1962 Returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil
1966 Began his artistic career
1973 Moved to Amsterdam, Holland and Paris, France
1979 Returned to Brazil and lives in Olinda, Recife, Brazil

Solo Exhibitions
1968 KLM Gallery, Sao Paulo
1969 Voltaico Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
1969 Vila Rosa Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
1970 USIS Gallery, Sao Paulo
1972 The Sun Museum, Penapolis, Sao Paulo
1972 International Art Fair, Dusseldorf, Germany
1972 International Center of Contemporary Art, Paris
1972 International Salon of Naןve Painting, Levallois, France
1973 Julich Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany
1973 Glaube Gallery, Colonia, Germany
1974 Debret Gallery, Paris
1974 Porte de Jade Gallery, Brussels
1974 Arno Art Gallery, Florence
1975 Studius Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
1976 Modu Art Vila Gallery, Recife, Brazil
1977 Likovnih Samorastinov Gallery, Trebnje, Yugoslavia
1977 Jardim Gallery of Arts, Sao Paulo
1980 Hammer Gallery, Amsterdam
1980 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1981 Jean Jacques Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
1983 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1983 The Sun Museum, Penapolis, Sao Paulo
1984 Adriana de Thorn Gallery, Holland
1984 Naives of the World Gallery, Paris
1984 Jean Jacques Gallery, Rio de Janeiro
1985 Mairie de Marseille, Marseille
1986 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1987 Bab-Rouah Gallery, Rabat, Morocco
1987 Primitive Art Gallery, San Francisco
1987 Lautreamont Gallery, Recife, Brazil
1989 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1990 Nederland Museum For Naןve Art, Rotterdam, Holland
1992 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1995 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1998 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2002 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2006 Galerie Jacques Ardies, Zurich

Group Exhibitions
1970 2nd Contemporary Art Salon, MASP, Sao Paulo
1971 Zimmer Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany
1971 Museum of Brazilian Art, Sao Paulo
1972 Arno Art Gallery, Florence
1972 3rd Triennial of Bratislava, Slovakia
1973 International Fair of Art, Dusseldorf, Germany
1973 International Salon of Naןve Painting, Levallois, Perret, France
1974 Salon 74, Grand Palais, Paris
1975 MASP Sao Paulo Museum of Art, Sao Paulo
1976 A Meeting of Brazilian and Uruguayan Naןve Art, Montevideo, Uruguay
1977 “X Tsbor”, Trebnje, Yugoslavia
1978 Adriana Gallery, Thorn, Holland
1978 Town Council of Heerhugowaard, Holland
1980 “Feast of Colors”, Hamilton Fine Art Gallery, London
1980 “Feast of Colors”, Dierickx Gallery, Brussels
1982 “Mito e Magia del Colore”, Castel dell’Ovo, Naples, Italy
1982 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1983 Naives of the World Gallery, Paris
1983 Adriana Gallery, Thorn, Holland
1984 Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
1984 “Color’s Party”, Musuem of Art, Goias, Brazil
1984 Anatole Jakovsky International Musuem of Naןve Art, Nice, France
1985 “Color’s Party”, The Sun Museum, Penapolis, Sao Paulo
1985 “Connaissance des Naifs”, Mairie de Marseille, France
1986 Art Space, La Defense, Paris
1986 Brazilian Cultural Foundation, The Partners of the Americas, Morgan Bank Collection, USA
1986 Vendome Space, UAP, Paris
1986 Bab-Rouah Gallery, Rabat, Morocco
1987 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1988 Alliance Francaise Gallery, Sao Paulo
1989 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1990 IMF Visitor Center, Washington, USA
1991 International Ingenuous and Primitive Art Exhibition, Cultural Center SESC, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo
1994 “L’arbre et les Naifs”, Jacqueline Bricard Gallery, Lourmarin, France
1994 Concours International d’Art Naif, Jeannine Blas Gallery, North Hatley, Quebec, Canada
1995 Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
1997 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
1999 MAN Naןve Art Musuem, Figueiras, Spain
2000 Biennial of Naןve Art in Brazil, Cultural Center SESC, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo
2000 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2001 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2001 “Everywhere Art”, Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil
2003 “The Naןve World”, Gina Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
2003 Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
2004 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2004 Bayer Cropscience, Brasilia
2005 “The Brazilian Naives and their Color Carnaval”, GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
2007 "Simple Pleasures, Bygone Days: The Naives of Brazil and Argentina", GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv

1977 Gold Plaque at the “X Tabor”, Trebnje, Yugoslavia
1984 Suisse Prize and Europe Prize of Primitive & Modern Painting, Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
1991 Honorable Mention, International Ingenuous and Primitive Art Selected, Cultural Center SESC, Sao Paulo
1994 2nd Prize, International Competition of Naןve Art, Jeannine Blais Gallery, North Hatley, Quebec, Canada
1995 Suisse Prize and Europe Prize of Primitive & Modern Painting, Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
2003 First Prize, Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland

Public Collections
MASP Sao Paulo Museum of Art, Sao Paulo
MAC Museum of Contemporary Art, Sao Paulo
MIAN International Museum of Naןve Art of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
MAN Naןve Art Museum, Beraut, France

“Dicionario das Artes Plasticas no Brasil”, Roberto Pontual, 1969, Rio de Janeiro
“Dicionario de Folclore Brasileiro, Luiz da Camara Cascudo, 1972, Brasilia
“Arte Brasil Hoje: 50 Anos Depois”, Roberto Pontual, 1973, Sao Paulo
“Les Proverbs vus par les Peintres Naifs”, Anatole Jacovsky, 1973, Paris
“La Chanson Traditionnelle et les Naifs, Rene Blanchard, 1975, Paris
“Dictionnaire des Peintres Naifs du Monde Entier”, Anatole Jacovsky, 1976, Basel, Switzerland
“Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs et Graveurs”, Emmanuel Benezit, 1976, Paris
“Les Peintres Naifs, Illumines de l’Instinct”, Madeleine Gavelle, 1977, Paris
“Naifs du Monde Entier”, Albert Laporte, 1977, Figueiras, Spain
“L’Arche de Noe et les Naifs “, Louis Pauwels, 1977, Paris
“Genius in the Backlands, Popular Artists of Brazil”, Selden Rodman, 1977, Old Greenwich, USA
“Aspects of Brazilian Primitive Painting”, Aquino de Flavio, 1978, Rio de Janeiro
“Maria Auxiliadora da Silva”, Pietro Maria Bardi, 1978, Italy
“El Arte Naif”, Oto Bihalji-Merin, 1978, Madrid
“Dicionario das Artas Plasticas no Brasil”, Roberto Cavalcanti, 1979, Rio de Janeiro
“Mitopoetica de 9 Artistas Plasticas no Brasil”, Lelia Coelho Frota, 1978, Rio de Janeiro
“As Festas Brasileiras pelos Pinotres Populares”, Geraldo Edson de Andrade, 1980, Rio de Janeiro
“Le Reve et les Naifs”, Helene Renard, 1981, Paris
“La Fete et Les Naifs”, Musee d”art Naif de l’Ile de France, 1981, Paris
“Naןve Maleriei Heute”, Herbert Weisner, 1981, Germany
“World Encyclopedia of Naןve Art”, Oto Bihalji-Merin, 1984, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
“Le Paradis et les Naifs”, Philippe Camby, 1983, Paris
“Criteriologie de l’Art Naif, Roger Thilmany, 1984, Paris
“Dicionario de Pintores Brasileiros”, Walmir Ayala, 1986, Rio de Janeiro
“La Cite et le Naifs”, Gilles Mermet, 1986, Paris
“Annuaire de l’Art International”, Patrick Sermadiras, 1986, Paris
“Arte Folclore, Subdesenvolvimento”, Souza Barros, 1986, Rio de Janeiro
“Dicionario Critico da Pintura no Brasil”, Jose Roberto Teixera Leira, 1988, Rio de Janeiro
"L’Arbre et les Naifs", Max Fourny, 1990, Paris
“Album Mondial de la Peinture Naif”, Max Fourny, 1990, Paris
“Naifs Brasileiros de Hije”, Lucien Finkelstien, 1994, Frankfurt
“Dicionario de Pintores Brasileiros”, Walmir Ayala, 1997, Rio de Janeiro
“Naןve Art in Brazil”, Jacques Ardies, 1998, Sao Paulo
“Ivonaldo”, Jacques Ardies, 2002, Sao Paulo

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