אמיל פוולסקו

1949 Born in Chernovtsy, Romania
Lives in Bucharest, Romania
Works as a professional ambulance driver
1973 Began his artistic career

Group Exhibitions
1974 Bulandra Theatre Hall, Bucharest
1978 Trebnje, Yugoslavia
2003 Casino da Povoa Gallery, Povoa, Portugal
2004 Le Musיe International d’Art Naןf, France
2005 “Shades of Contrasting Cultures”, GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv

1978 Golden Plaque, Trebnje, Yugoslavia

“L’arche de Noe et Les Naifs”, Louis Pauwels, 1977, Paris
“La Fete et Les Naifs”, Musee d”art Naif de l’Ile de France, 1981, Paris
“The Dream and the Naifs”, Helen Renard and Vilem Stransky, 1983, Paris
“World Encyclopedia of Naןve Art”, Oto Bihalji-Merin, 1984, Belgrade
“Les Naifs”, Gilles Neret, 1986, Paris
“L’Art Naif”, Nathalia Brodskaia, 2000, Paris

יצירות שנמכרו

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