Automatic discount:
1943 Born in Olimpia, Sao Paulo State, Brazil
1957 Moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil
1968 Formed the “Grupo de Osasco” together with the naןve artists, Neuton de Andrade, Americo Modanez and Dirceu Carvalho
Lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Solo Exhibitions
1968 Atrium Gallery, Sao Paulo
1982 The Lively Arts Gallery, Sarasota, Florida
Group Exhibitions
1977 Praxis Gallery, Buenos Aires
1978 Sarasota Gallery, Florida
1978 Sagzola Gallery, Buenos Aires
1979 Fenix Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela
1980 Plastic Arts Salon of the Sao Judas Tadeu College, Sao Paulo
1984 “Mito e Magia del Colore”, Castel dell’Ovo, Naples, Italy
1984 “Mito e Magia del Colore”, Sarasota Gallery, Florida
1999 Jacques Ardies Gallery, Sao Paulo
2004 GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
2004 Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
2005 “The Brazilian Naives and their Color Carnaval”, GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
2007 "Simple Pleasures, Bygone Days: The Naives of Brazil and Argentina", GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
1980 Outstanding award, Plastic Arts Salon of the Sao Judas Tadeu College, Sao Paulo
2004 2nd Prize, Suisse Prize and Europe Prize of Primitive & Modern Painting, Gallery Pro Arte Kasper, Morges, Switzerland
Public Collections
MAN Naןve Art Museum, Beraut, France
“Naifs du Monde Entier”, Albert Laporte, 1998, France
“Naןve Art in Brazil”, Jacques Ardies, 1998, Sao Paulo