Automatic discount:
1957 Born in West Berlin, Germany
1992 Joined the group “Kunstlergruppe Steglitz”
Lives both in Tel Aviv, Israel and Berlin, Germany
2005 Moved to Tel-Aviv, Israel
2011 Joined the group “Naןve Artists in Israel”
Solo Exhibitions
1992 Galerie Jevensstedt Rendsburg, Germany
Bayerische Handelsbank, Berlin, Germany
1993 Galerie im Restaurant Rapallo, Berlin, Germany
1994 Stadttheater Meien, Meien, Germany
1995 HypoBank, Berlin, Germany
1996 Galerie im Restaurant am Fasanenplatz, Berlin, Germany
1998 Rosenthal Lichtgalerie, Berlin, Germany
2000 Kreative Ader, Berlin, Germany
2001 Language Specialists Inernational, Berlin, Germany
Kreative Ader, Berlin, Germany
2002 Borchert Kchenstudiio, Berlin, Germany
2003 Kreativer Bypass, Berlin, Germany
2004 Art Gallery Richter, Berlin, Germany
2009 Kudammtango, Berlin, Germany
2010 Quasimodo, Berlin, Germany
2011 Shorashim Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Group Exhibitions
1992 Galerie Jevensstedt Rendsburg, Germany
Polizeischule Berlin-Biesdorf, Germany
Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung, Berlin, Germany
1993 Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung, Berlin, Germany
Berliner Uhren-und Schmuck-Fabrik, Berlin, Germany
2002 Kirche am Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin, Germany
2009 Kudammtango Berlin, Germany
Galerie Patrice Vuillard, Hilton Hotel, Berlin, Germany
2010 Tangonale, UfaFabrik Berlin, Germany
HanseArt, Bremen, Germany
2011 Marziart Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Accessible Artfair, Tel-Aviv, Israel
2012 “Naןve Art of Israel”, GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
2012 “The 5th International Naןf Art Festival”, Galeria Szyb Wilson, Katowice, Poland