ישעיהו שיינפלד

1909 (-1979) Born in Kishinev, Ukraine
1928 Moved to Israel
1971 Began his artistic career
Lived in Petah Tikvah, Israel

Solo Exhibitions
2004 "Yeshayahu Scheinfeld", Galerie Hamer, Amsterdam

Group Exhibitions
2000 Galerie Hamer, Amsterdam
2004 "Naieven Outsiders", Galerie Hamer, Amsterdam
"The International Trienniale of Naןve Art", Slovak National Gallery,Bratislava, Slovakia
2007 "Petach Tikva: From Ya Labanim to the Art Museum", Monart Art Museum, Ashdod
"Insita 2007 / Magic Architecture", Slovak National Gallery,Bratislava, Slovakia
2008 "Etchings, Scratches and Scars- Changing Representations of the Israeli Soldier", Petach Tikva
"Magic Arquitecture", Kunsthaus Kannen, Mnster, Germany

"Scheinfeld", Sabra Publications, 1977, Tel Aviv

יצירות שנמכרו

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