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As appeared in the Press Release of the exhibition:
…Generally, the naïve art of Central and South America is closely associated with the Mother Earth, Mother Nature, field workers and village life, and is inspired by indigenous mythology, mysticism, culture and tradition, with ethnic and folkloristic themes predominating.
…The naivism of Argentina, defies simple categorization. The country’s native customs and traditions have never had the dramatic impact upon the local naïve artists as the Incan, Mayan, Aztec and African cultures have had on their fellow artists to the north. Instead, the waves of immigration to Argentina – in particular from Europe – during the past two centuries, and the resultant melding of European and other customs and traditions with those of the indigenous population, have had a major impact upon the life, character and morés of the people, as well as upon the country’s art, architecture, music and literature.
These influences are seen, quite clearly, in the works of the Argentine naives, which depict, in heartwarming colors and detail, the resonance of the city (particularly Buenos Aires, “the Paris of South America”), the beat of the tango, the pulse of the pampas, the swagger of the gauchos and the silent beauty of Patagonia.
…Approximately 12 months ago, I broached with Teresa Nachman and Claudia Frankon the subject of an exhibition comprising the works of twelve of Argentina’s most prominent naïve artists. They readily embraced the idea, and, through their indefatigable efforts and unwavering support, last year’s dream has become this year’s reality.
…GINA Gallery is proud and honored to host this exceptional exhibition, and knows that all who are privileged to attend will be deeply moved and inspired by it.