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From the Press Release:
GINA Gallery’s new exhibition, “Sun, Soul and Samba: The Brazilian Naïves,” which opens on Thursday, June 17, 2010, and continues through Friday, August 13, 2010, presents works by 11 of the leading naïve artists of Brazil.
Brazilian naïve art is epitomized by huge contrasts, which arise, in the main, from the intermingling of many different cultures – European, African and Indian. Brazilians are naturally happy, spontaneous, uninhibited, dynamic and creative, and these traits are reflected in the naïve artworks of today.
Brazilian naivism invokes an array of images – vibrant, magnificent, bold, simple and sophisticated. Each artist uniquely captures the dazzling colors of Brazil’s brilliant landscapes, the punctilious detail of its lush rain forests, the pulsating beat of its daily life, the glorious union of Man and Nature.
Edivaldo Barbosa de Souza creates breathtaking tropical scenes, and a world of bright colors and detailed light and shade. His works are imbued with the redolence of the foliage and moisture in the air, and his delicate brush whisks us into village life, all the while leaving space for our imagination to flourish. Malu Delibo welcomes us into her highly-embellished and beautifully-detailed gardens, fields and jungles, revealing robust surroundings rich with exotic vegetation, fruits and wildlife. Edgar Calhado’s palette includes vibrant, bright-green forests in which presence is given to every leaf on each tree, and tranquil, midnight blue skies in which a shimmer is given to the moonbeam playing upon the water. Ana Maria Dias’ resplendent, azure blue skies, and sparkling sunshine on yellow fields of corn and wheat, come to life in her pastoral portrayals of the countryside. Her canvases overflow with common folk enjoying everyday life — the seasonal harvest, grandma’s culinary talents and the sight of new-born puppies.
Ernani Pavaneli’s unmistakable hand, utilizing a technique of countless points of color, portrays ample figures participating in society’s pleasurable moments – men and women in fancy dresswear and swimwear attending balls and lawn parties. Wilma Ramos depicts brightly-colored scenes, paired with bold outlines, in a charming, figurative style. Her strong, prominent characters add to the story-like feeling, as each worker, tree, bench or basket is carefully placed. Francisco Severino’s broad landscapes, traversing vast skies and deep-green valleys, enrich us with serene images of well-kept farms and freshly-plowed fields melding with the splendid colors of Mother Nature.
Mara Toledo furnishes us with a playful approach to countryside happenings, warmly rendering – through a splendid use of color and engaging detail — encounters between people, the animals they raise, and life’s everyday challenges. Lucia Buccini‘s artworks, characterized by heartfelt colors, abundant flowers and a graceful, endearing style, craft a visual harmony between Nature, Man and other living creatures. Barbara Rochlitz paints serene country regions, typically from afar, providing us with a panorama of country life replete with a detailed narrative that gradually reveals itself to the viewer. Constancia Nery, using a soft pallet of earthy tones, shares her view of country life and its simple, everyday tasks and traditional festivities – from the delicate pattern on a woman’s apron to the broad brushstrokes of the succulent skyline.
Thanks to these wonderful artists, and the great expressivity, detail and humor in their works, this exhibition provides us with a heartwarming glimpse into Brazilian life as well as a magical and colorful journey – full of joy, serenity and enchantment — through the world of naïve art.
GINA Gallery is therefore proud and honored to host this exceptional exhibition and to display the artworks of these remarkable artists, who have enriched our lives and souls and, in the process, have made the naïve world — and our world — a heart’s delight.