Giober Lopez Justy

He was born in Palma Soriano, Cuba
He studied to be a Teacher, specialized in Computers
He belongs to the Art Group "Miranda"

Group Exhibition
2008 "Arte Naif desde Miranda", Biblioteca municipal Mella , Mella, Cuba
2009 "El color que nos une", Teatro Heredia Sgto. de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
"Bibijaguas", Cine Mella “Mella”, Mella Cuba
"Los nuevos que llegan", gran hotel, satg. Cuba
"32 Pintores Naif Cubanos", Gallery Le Mas de Coulondres, Saint Jean de Vedas, Francia
2010 Cine Mella, Mella, Cuba
"Sexto Festival Mundial de Arte Naif", Verneuil, Francia

2010 "6to Salon Municipal de Artes Plasticas", Mella, Cuba

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