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Already in first grade, Fausto’s family, teachers and friends observed that he had special artistic talents. In his teens, he attended a school that exposed its students to a broad range of artistic skills, including ceramics, graphics, sculpture, handicrafts and drawing. By age 18, he had his first individual exhibition – at the National Library in San Salvador. Fausto’s figurative, near-photorealistic renditions draw upon his personal experience of daily life of his village and the surrounding hills and dales. His charming, bright-colored artworks portray the rhythms and harmonies of everyday life, transporting us from the tensions and chaos of the world today to happier moments and a better place and time.
1962 Born in San Salvador, El Salvador
Studied Plastic Arts and Interior Design
1980-1990 Worked as a teacher in a rural elementary school
1986 Began his artistic career
Lives in La Libertad, El Salvador
Solo Exhibitions
1980 National Library, San Salvador
1983 Zimmer Gallery, Presidente Hotel, San Salvador
1985 Medical College, San Salvador
1985 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1986 Open House, San Salvador
1986 Palmares Diplomat Contest, San Salvador
1987 Center of Brazilian Studies, San Salvador
1987 El Atica Gallery, San Salvador
1987 Siesta Hotel, San Salvador
1987 American Women Association, San Salvador
1988 American Women Association, San Salvador
1989 American Women Association, San Salvador
1990 American Women Association, San Salvador
1990 The Gallery, San Salvador
1990 El Salvador Hotel, San Salvador
1990 A.D.S, San Salvador
1990 General Assembly of the Organization of American States, Washington, USA
1991 Salvadoran Forieng Ministry, San Salvador
1991 American Women Association, San Salvador
1991 Cancilleria, San Salvador
1991 Republic National Bank, Florida, USA
1991 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1991 The Gallery, San Salvador
1991 International Fair of Arts, Miami, Florida, USA
1992 The Embassy Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA
1992 Kuskat Gallery, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1993 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1993 Alcaldia Municipality, San Salvador
1993 Kiwanis Club International, San Salvador
1993 Red Cross National Exhibition, San Salvador
1994 Washi Art Association, Tokyo
1994 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1997 Martinez Gallery, Santa Ana, California, USA
1999 Salvadorian Demographic Association, San Salvador
2000 The Gallery, Santa Ana, California
2001 Festival of Cultures, Antigua, Guatemala
2001 Embassy of El Salvador, Ottawa, Canada
2001 Consulate of El Salvador, Toronto, Canada
2002 ADAPES, San Salvador
Group Exhibitions
1983 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1983 The National Theatre, San Salvador
1984 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1985 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1985 Ravels Gallery, Austin. Texas, USA
1986 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1987 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1987 Embassy of the United States of America, San Salvador
1989 1st Biennial of Primitivist Painters, Nicaragua
1989 Gallery 91, San Salvador
1992 Forma Gallery, Buenos Aires
1994 Salvadorian Association of of Civil Engineers, San Salvador
1994 ALSISA, San Salvador
1994 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1995 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1996 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1996 Embassy of El Salvador, Taiwan
1996 Le Souffle Restaurant, Manila, Philippines
1997 Ixchel Musuem, Guatemala
1997 ALSISA, San Salvador
1997 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1999 1-2-3 Gallery, San Salvador
1999 ALSISA, San Salvador
1999 Liceo Frances, San Salvador
1999 Casa Argentina, Jerusalem, Israel
1999 Pascual del Cabo School of Painting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
2006 “Magic Mountains, Mystic Valleys”, GINA Gallery of International Naןve Art, Tel Aviv
1984 Honorable Mention, ASI, San Salvador
1989 Honorable Mention, 5th Diplomat Palmares Contest, San Salvador
1993 3rd Prize, Santa Tecla Contest, San Salvador